
Learning About HVAC Equipment

3 Reasons Your Refrigerator Isn't Keeping Your Food Fresh

Modern living would be substantially more challenging without the convenience offered by refrigerators. These critical appliances help keep your household's food fresh, allowing you to plan your meals in advance and keep a steady supply of leftovers on hand. Of course, the importance of your refrigerator means that it's that much more frustrating when something goes wrong.

Refrigerator issues can sometimes be obvious, but you may not initially realize that anything is wrong in other cases. If food isn't staying as fresh in your fridge for as long as you might expect, it could be due to one of these three common problems.

1. Dirty, Moldy Drip Pan

Your refrigerator works on a similar principle to your air conditioner, which means it produces condensation as a regular part of its operation. This condensation typically makes its way down to a drip pan underneath the refrigerator. Since there's generally minimal condensation, water can usually evaporate from this pan without becoming an issue.

Unfortunately, excess water can sometimes lead to dirt and mold taking hold in the pan. When this happens, your refrigerator's condenser fan can pull the odor back into the cabinet, potentially allowing your food to absorb some of these smells. Fixing the problem involves inspecting the drip pan and checking for any issues that cause it to remain full.

2. High Humidity

Your refrigerator needs to keep humidity at appropriate levels to keep your food fresh. Excessive moisture inside your refrigerator can mean that food spoils more quickly. You may also notice condensation developing inside the cabinet or find that your drip pan fills up too rapidly and may produce mold or odors.

Excessive humidity is often a sign that warm enter is entering the refrigerator. Common causes include problems with the door seal or the area where ice dispenses from the ice tray. If humidity inside your refrigerator is impacting the freshness of your food, look for any issues that may be allowing moist household air to enter the cabinet.

3. Poor Cooling

Of course, a warm refrigerator can also cause food to spoil more quickly. Warm temperatures inside your refrigerator are a sure sign of trouble, but temperatures just a little higher than usual can also result in quicker spoilage. Slight temperature increases can be a sign of issues with the evaporator, such as frozen coils, a faulty defrost unit, or a failing circulator fan.

Poor cooling is only likely to worsen over time and will inevitably cost you money as your food spoils more quickly than you expect. If you notice your refrigerator isn't keeping things as cool as it should, it's good to contact an appliance tech for a diagnosis and repair before you find yourself with a fridge full of spoiled goods. They can provide more information regarding refrigerator repair

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Learning About HVAC Equipment

Welcome to my site. My name is Rodney Roja. I am excited to share my knowledge about furnaces and air conditioners on this site. Gone are the days of huddling around the fire to keep warm or relaxing in the shade to cool off. Instead, we have tons of interesting gadgets that put our home at an ideal temperature throughout the year. I want to talk about technological advancements developed for this equipment. I will also explore installation techniques, including hardware and placement. I hope you will be able to use the information on my site to upgrade your HVAC system in your home. Please visit my site often to learn all you can before starting your next heating or air conditioning project.